httpswwwfacebookcomdialogreturnclose__,Avatarlookingexcited,pointingtheirfingerforwardwitharedunderlined100in.,沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,IgetredirectedtothatURLafterIfinishsharing(tobeexpected,becauseyoudidnotspecifyareturnURI– ...,CanIredirecttheURLforthisaction?HowtoIfixthisissue?Thanks.PHPCollective.php·wordpress·function·http-redirect·Sh...

https ... Sticker, Avatar looking excited, pointing their finger forward with a red underlined 100 in.


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Facebook post redirects to blank page : https

I get redirected to that URL after I finish sharing (to be expected, because you did not specify a return URI – see ...

php - How to fix facebook.comdialogreturnclose?

Can I redirect the URL for this action? How to I fix this issue? Thanks. PHP Collective. php · wordpress · function · http-redirect · Share.

URL Redirection or dialogfeed

It will obviously take them to share dialogue, and when they click share, I need them to be redirected (URL Redirection or dialog/feed) to this ...

Social Share to facebook dialog doesn't close [#2871264]

When Open Links in new window is not enabled at /admin/config/services/social-share the Facebook share dialog does not close/return the ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

phpBB • Error https

Hi all. I used this extention for a long time and it works well. But today it causes a small trouble: when i click facebook share, ...


Parbati Jasmukh (@parbatijasmukh).


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